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  • December 19th, 2010

    Tips Passing Drug Testing

    Read more for tips passing drug testing.

    Drug testing is much talked subject in town. As of now, it is mandatory for many companies, youngsters and teenagers readily search for tips passing drug testing. Before that it is necessarily get to know facts about drug testing. Very first, make a point that no drug testing method is not meant for checking exact drug percentage amount in the body. Measurement of positive drug test is done through total drug metabolites present in the body organs. If you dilute drug metabolite amount below the cut off level, you can get negative result definitely. Few tips to dissolve drug metabolites from system –

    1. Water- Water acts as a catalyst inside the system. Very first, water tries to dissolve drug metabolites by speeding up conversion process of drug remnants into the drug metabolites. Excess fluid drinking also gives natural way to pass drug by products. While adopting this method, take care for water intoxication

    2. Higher fiber intake- Fiber plays major role for covering up drug metabolites. It redirects the drug particles and stops them from going inside the bladder. You can have fibers from natural source as well as in the form of tablets or powder as well. If you take high fiber diet right from the beginning of detox, it will definitely give you best result.

    3. Avoid fatty products/ alcohol- Drug byproducts accumulate inside the fat cell. Fats contain start covering up this body celluloid with thick coating. Even detox products fail to break this thick coating. Same is the case with alcohol. Sometimes alcohol may acts as culprit for giving false positive result.

    4. Exercise – Have some cardio workout right before 2-3 weeks from screening. With sweat, toxins get throw out of the body. It also proves effective in order to control mood swings. With exercise, you feel more refresh, which indirectly help body for reducing drug percentage level.

    5. Get to know facts urine test thc- There are some myths attached with THC presence inside the body. Though it is remain in system, you can check out its progress with the help of home base kits. Home drug test kits are simple to use, reliable, more accurate and give almost 99% matching result with that of laboratory testing.

    False positive result- If you know, you are having drug test within coming days, do not opt over the counter medicines. It is proves very risky to pass drug test. There are almost 80 different drug metabolites present for marijuana only. Laboratories fail to distinguish in between thc metabolites and these drug metabolites. Same is applicable for food supplements and dietary additives.

    How to pass