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  • December 24th, 2010

    Tricks To Pass A Urine Drug Test

    Tricks to Pass a Urine Drug Test

    Drug Tests are named after the sample that they use to scan for the presence of drug residues. The different types of drug tests are the urine test, blood test, saliva / oral / mouth swab drug test, sweat test and the hair drug test. Each test has its own inherent strengths and weaknesses. The urine test is a kind of an optimum tests on all fronts – cost, accuracy and detection time i.e. the time for which drug use can be detected after the drug was last consumed. The saliva test is very easy and can be conducted very quickly. The results are available almost immediately and there is very little chance to cheat on this drug test. The hair test is the most accurate, it has the longest detection period and is also the most expensive.

    To pass drug test you need to abstain from drugs. You also need to stay away from all those medicines and foods that can give a false positive test result. The false positive result is when a non-user tests positive. Detection periods for different tests are different. Depending on the application, an appropriate test is used. For e.g. detection of marijuana is usually done by using the urine test. In certain applications it is necessary only to know drug use in a brief period before the test is conducted. In such areas the swab drug test for marijuana is used. Such applications include post accident drug testing, return to duty drug testing and testing of vehicle and equipment drivers.

    Being the most widely used drug test, there is a lot of informal information available about the urine test. This also means that there is a lot of misinformation available. Following are the tricks to pass a urine drug test:

    For 7 to 15 days before the test take regular fat burning exercise and drink a lot of water. Drug residues are stored inside fat and burning fats breaks them down. Water then flushes out these residues through urine.

    The above step can dilute and discolor the urine. This can make the testers suspicious and they can conduct a retest with more precautions. To restore the color of urine take vitamin B tablets.

    How to pass