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  • November 9th, 2010

    Urine Drug Test Myths

    Look for urine drug test myths. Avoid those things which give you positive result.

    Many of you are already come across with some sorts of drug testing. It is a one which gets growing popularity through out. Almost 81% of companies are now gone through performing drug testing. Other main drug testers are leading insurance agencies and court departments. So, it is so obvious question that comes in one mind is that how you can make sure to get test result negative. Among four most commonly used drug testing method urine test is one most popular one. Urine testing makes use of test card strip. With this method you are acquiring immediate result. Another procedure involves analytic testing with testing tools like gas analyzer etc. Learn some urine drug test myths attached to it. From next time you can able to pass drug test confidently.

    To pass a drug test you can adopt methodologies which come with free advice on home remedies to pass a drug test. Though, you can not give guaranty of their working every single time. One most common thing you heard about passing drug test is “Dilution”. Make a point here that, dilution increases the chance of getting caught in test. It is immediately noticeable as water fade the urine color. If you get caught while tempering samples, then possibly you need to give some another drug test which will lead to true result. Many drug testers try to implement some very hazardous methods. Like an excess consumption of niacin. Niacin is water soluble substance and works only when you drink lots of water with it. It proves poisonous if one tries to consume it in larger amount. Furthermore, over consumption of niacin leads adverse effects on body. Side effects may include vomiting or nausea. Few extreme cases are observed with liver damage too.

    Drinking water in large amount is one another myth attached with urine drug testing. There is actually no point to take away this method. It is clear indication that you are adopting some sort of methods to mask your urine samples. Excess urination leads to water intoxication and proves very dangerous in rare case.

    For the sake of having test result negative, try to away from any sort of drugs prior to test. Check out drug detection period to be on safer side. Before giving urine testing be sure you are not giving very first urine as a sample to check.

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