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  • December 24th, 2010

    Vitamin B And Drug Test

    Vitamin B Drug Test

    Drug Tests have become a common phenomenon in many areas. Drug Testing is done by private and public employers, school and college authorities, sports authorities and even by landlords. Drug tests run a fine line between the individual’s right to privacy and the right of the authorities to have a drug free premises. There are numerous negative consequences of drug use – chronic absenteeism and under performance, aggressive and possibly violent behavior and accident prone behavior that can risk the life and limb of others – to name a few. One thing is for sure – drug use can disturb the peaceful environment in any premises.

    The urine drug test is the most common of all the drug tests. This is because it is a kind of an optimum test. In all respects viz. accuracy, cost of testing and detection period (i.e. the duration for which the test can detect drug use after the drug was last used) the urine test falls between the saliva drug test and the blood test on one hand and the hair drug test on the other. Therefore how to pass a drug test usually means how to past a urine drug test.

    Here is how you can go about to pass a urine test:

    The best way to pass any test is to abstain from drugs and those medicines and foods that can give a false positive result – a condition when non-users test positive.

    For 7 to 15 days before the test, take regular fat burning exercise, drink a lot of water throughout the day and eat a balanced diet. Fats store drug residues. Burning fats will break down these toxins that can then be flushed out by water through urine. The diet prevents accumulation of fresh toxins.

    Vitamin B and Drug Test: The above step can lead to dilution and discoloration of urine. This can make the test conductors suspicious, who can order a re test after monitoring your food and drink intake. This will eliminate any chance of fooling the test. To prevent this take vitamin B tablets that will restore the color of urine.

    How to pass