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  • December 19th, 2010

    Ways To Beat A Drug Test

    Read more on ways to beat a drug test.

    Learn some simple ways to beat a drug test. Actually passing a drug test is no more difficult. There are so many products; few home remedies to get clean result in drug testing. Still lots of time person avail for positive result. Main reason behind the same is there are so many myths attached with drug testing, there detection time frame and ways to beat them. If you conduct right cleanliness treatment, getting negative result is no more difficult task for you.

    1. Avoid shortcuts- Do not get trap into some misconception and shortcut. All of them are myths and never work effectively. Unnecessary your drug test will end up in positive result.

    2. Know about drug metabolites- Drug metabolites are nothing but the drug byproducts. When you consume any drug thorough any mode, body starts reacting on it. Depend on your body mass and overall metabolic rate this conversion is carried out inside the body. Marijuana has main metabolites as THC. It is fat soluble and you can not eliminate it from the body without patience, proper diet, quality exercise and more importantly time.

    3. Diet- High fiber diet along with less fat and excess water intake is trilogy of healthy diet. There is no ideal way to throw THC from body organs as well as no particular method to bind them to redirect them from going inside urine stream. THC metabolites find only way to pass is through urine. As a reason, it requires comparatively larger time period to mask THC metabolites from sample urine specimen.

    4. Creatine- Creatine supplements tries to bring back protein level from urine sample to normal. Along with the same, you need to take B complex (which cover up faint yellow color occurs to urine due to dilution) and some vitamins.

    5. Urine substitution- All above mention methods work effectively, if you patiently provide time span of week or more than that. However, what to do in circumstance of random drug testing in public schools. Only one best solution to pass a drug test, try out urine substitution. You can get it in local pharmaceutical store and there is no big trouble in its usage. It gets ready within 5 minutes and has all the necessary substances you found in natural urine.

    How to pass