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  • October 19th, 2010

    Ways To Beat Drug Tests

    Read ways to beat drug tests

    You have to face a drug tests at some point or the other in your life for a driver’s license or if you have met with an accident, even school children today have to face it because drugs are used even by teenagers. Have you used drug to come over some stress or just for pleasure, but now you have to give a drug test, then here are some ways to beat drug tests.

    Drug tests are so much in use today that where ever we go we have to think about it. Are you seeking for a job and thinking how to pass a pre employment drug test? Yes, even companies demand their applicants to undergo a drug test, due to the legal norms and profit of the company. If you too are worried about it then do not worry because here are some ways to beat drug tests:

    1.Drink plenty of water before giving a urine test, because this idea works best for it. Water will dilute the drug particles from your body and make them less detectable.
    2.Cranberry juice also works with other pass drug test. They are also recommended to dilute the drug in the system.
    3.Taking small doses of niacin also works well. They are said to maintain the fat metabolism of the body and so let the fat cells burn away quickly so that the drug particles to come out of the body soon through urine.
    4.Detox kits also work well as they detoxify the body and let the drug flush away
    5.If you have got too little time and do not want to take the risk, then go for synthetic urine. They are easily available in the market. You can even buy them online.
    6.Keep your mind cool and calm when you go for the test or wait for the results because this shows you are whether you are a drug addict or not. Your attitude will caste an impression on the person sitting in front of you.

    So, next time when you go for a drug test, then follow these points and get the desired results.

    How to pass