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  • February 16th, 2011

    Weed Drug Test Pass

    weed drug test pass

    Marijuana, known by various names including grass, pot, weeds, and herb is a widely used illegal drug. Actually, marijuana has some various other medical advantages as well. It is mainly used to get instant desired high. There are various methods to take it inside the body. Mostly marijuana is consumed through smoking. Sniffing and directly injecting are some other techniques. In the smoking case, the effect takes some time to make their effect on the body, however its high state remain for more time period when weed is taking through smoke. Marijuana traces remain stored in vital body organs. Priory it affects on nervous system, brain and heart. It includes loosing mind’s control and feeling of unwarranted optimism. When taken in higher amount increases blood pressure, heart palpation rate and hallucinations.

    Marijuana or weed directly pass in blood and stored in blood. It adversely affect on lung’s ability to purify the blood. When a person is under the effect of weed he is four times more likely to have a stroke. Whatever may be the plus or minus points of testing weed, it is helping in continuously reducing the percentage of drug user/ addicts. Urine drug testing is mainly conduct for marijuana detection. If you have used weed, or fear detection despite non use here’s how you can prepare: There are various method for weed drug test pass, like pass drug test home remidies.

    One important precaution is to refrain from the use of weed for the respective periods according to your drug test. If you are chronic user then it is very essential for you to stop drug abuse for 45-60 days prior to test. For a week before the test take regular exercise, drink plenty of water and take a well balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, protein and fiber while abstaining from fatty and oily foods. Weed preset in fat cells, so if you have fatty substance, they start coating fat cells making drug metabolites impossible to move. Have more stretch on having cranberry juice and water. They speed up the urinal frequency so that drug metabolites get natural way to pass. For avoiding chances of getting false positive result avoid toxic environment.

    How to pass