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  • December 24th, 2010

    Weed Second Hand Smoke Drug Test

    Read about weed second hand smoke drug test.

    In unites states and many other countries, drug testing for traces and metabolites of illegal drugs is increasingly used in the workplaces, schools and medical institutions. The entire world is getting more and more conscious about the increasing rate of drug addiction. In the past few years, the number of people using illegal drugs has increased considerably. This has led to the emergence of drug testing notion in various fields. Drug tests are now a part of employment hiring procedures of many companies. Failing to pass a drug test might be grounds for loosing the job opportunity. Many companies now provide drug test solutions and first check home 4 drug test kits to meet the needs of the abuser. Abusers can go to any extent when it comes to passing a test.

    All the drug testing procedures are not accurate owing to the inappropriate methods of conduction, inept authorities, improper paper work, mixing of samples and second hand smoke. A technical concern was raised by the ones who opposed drug testing policies and they claimed that there has been a possibility of an individual testing positive for Cannabinoids as a result of passive inhalation of marijuana smoke. A number of studies have attempted to understand the relationship between second hand smoke and the production of Cannabinoids in the urinary tract. But it is only in rare cases that second hand smoke can cause one to fail a drug test. Second hand smoke can raise someone to 50ng/ml if there is extreme exposure to smoke.

    Most likely you need worry about the drug test if you didn’t smoke pot. Second hand smoke can leave certain amount of THC in the system. However the amount is usually not so high to test you positive and you can pass drug test. Most of the drug tests have high standards to avoid the chances of false positives. It just that if the smoke was so thick that it would irritate the eyes of the smokers as well as the passive inhalers, they you can test positive. If you were in a closed car of pot smokers, then you might test positive the next day! Avoiding smoke filled cars and unventilated spaces will ensure that you be clean for the drug test call in the morning.

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