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  • February 16th, 2011

    What To Do To Pass A Drug Test

    Read what to do to pass a drug test.

    Drug testing programs are becoming increasingly popular in schools, colleges, sport arenas, workplaces and medical institutions. The fear of testing positive in a drug test and being subjected to dreadful consequences is believed to discourage the use of illegal drugs. Drug addiction is a grave problem in United States and the government believes that instituting the drug testing programs can help prevent the negative impacts like absenteeism, under performance, aggressive and violent behavior and the thefts to raise drug money. There are several ways to pass a drug test and many websites try to convince the abusers to buy the expensive detox products. Well if “what to do to pass a drug test” is your worry then read further.

    Drugs such marijuana remains detectable in the system for several weeks or even months. These drugs although seems to be the least harmful, they can be the reason behind the failure of many in a drug test. The drug can also be detected if you have used it 90 days prior to the test, provided that the hair sample is been called for. The saliva drug tests provide the shortest detection window. Using someone else’s urine, synthetic samples or adding masking agents to the sample are unethical and are not advisable. If caught in an attempt to cheat the drug testing lab, then you might be subjected to much severe penalties than the ones faced by those who fail a drug test.

    The only assured way to pass a drug test is to stop the use of drug completely. The longer you abstain the better are your chances to pass a drug test. Many experts advice to pass a drug test honestly and this will help kick the habit along with better employment. One can pass the drug test by resorting to day fast to detoxify methods like detoxifying the system, regular exercising, burning fats, sweating the metabolites out and keeping one self busy. If you are unable to overcome the withdrawal symptoms then you can get advice from a qualified medical practitioner.

    How to pass