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  • November 3rd, 2010

    Understanding DOT testing

    DOT testing has been used for many years. The reason being is the people employed by the Department Of Transportation have huge responsibilities on their hands. Responsibilities like: Mass transit drivers, construction workers, heavy machinery operators, FTA employees, Aviation employees (FAA), Railroad workers, Oil and Gas pipeline workers, and Maritime (USCG) employees working on commercial vessels in the ocean.

    As you can see these employees are extremely important to the economy and the Federal, State, and local governments want to make sure they are not hiring “Potato heads” to fill these important jobs.

    DOT has specific categories for testing such as: pre-employment, post-accident, random, reasonable suspicion, return-to-duty, and follow-up. By reading the category they are pretty self-explanatory. A few that some don’t understand is “reasonable suspicion” which is caused by random behavior by the employee like being late essaysbuy for work, acting strange, another employee reports you for being unsafe at work, overhearing you did something against policy, or just being concerned.

    The DOT has very strict Federal guidelines they have to follow when it comes to drug testing 86.3% of DOT employees are tested by urinalysis only because it is cheaper then any other testing and they can test for adulterants if needed like masking agents, synthetics etc.

    Your best bet is to quit using anything. Sometimes you just can’t so make sure you prepare yourself for drug testing when it comes to your very important job. There are plenty of Detox products out there on the market just make sure they have good results are at least 100% guaranteed and make sure you have time to be clean for the day of your test.

    Note: When there is a failed urinalysis with the DOT they will likely 9 out of 10 times test in a different form such as mouth swab, hair follicle, blood, sweat, and finger nail testing is on the rise.

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