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Face your Drug Test with Confidence

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  • February 18th, 2010

    Valentines Day surprise

    A couple days ago we got a phone call from a girl who was very upset. She had been without a job for quite some time. She got called in for an interview, they gave her a drug test and she failed. She had no idea why she failed, but she got very lucky they let her re-test.

    “Hi, I took a drug test 2 days ago and failed. On Valentines Day, my boyfriend bought me flowers and chocolates. I was pretty happy that he got me something and planned a nice romantic dinner. After dinner we came home. I opened the chocolates and we started eating them. After a while I started feeling kind of different but did not pay any attention to it. We had a lot of fun laughing and fooling around with each other. Yesterday I had a urine test and failed. I do not smoke marijuana and only did a couple times in my life. I came home very upset and told my boyfriend that I had failed my test.  He did not know I had a test to take and asked me why I did not tell him about it. I asked him what the difference would be if I told him and he said if he knew he would not have put marijuana in the chocolate. How do you put marijuana in chocolate? I never heard of anything like that before. Now I look back and realize why I felt so strange. I was so mad at him that I did not ask why or how he did it. My re-test is in 4 days. Do you have anything that will help me pass?”

    We recommended the Fast THC/Marijuana Detox Kit to be used on the day of the test. She was unsure that she will be clean and she did not want to take a chance and fail her test again. Even though she might be clean by the test day, it will be better if she uses the kit so she can definitely pass.

    She purchased the product.

    You can never be sure of what may be in your food, your romantic present, or the medication you are taking might cause a false positive. It is never a bad idea to test yourself before you take any kind of test.

    How to pass