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  • November 9th, 2010

    100 Way To Pass A Drug Test

    Best 100 way to pass a drug test

    Drug addiction is very common thing nowadays. There are many methods to pass drug test. The most commonly known method is detoxification. When you take drugs the toxins present in drugs mixes with the body fluids like urine, blood and saliva. Apart from detoxification, there are many methods by which you can pass drug test successfully. Abstinence is a method which is applicable in low consumption cases and the success rate is phenomenon. The high dose cases will not respond to abstinence. The metabolite that is present in marijuana is commonly known as THC. This metabolites mixes in blood and fatty tissues and it becomes tough to detoxify if the quantity of intake is more.

    Flushing urine system is another method to pass drug test. This involves filtration and flushing of the urine through excessive intake of fluids especially water. Since water is a universal solvent and it increases the tendency of dilution of the metabolites in system. This method is not foolproof as all some metabolites are not soluble in water or any other liquid.

    Another method which is commonly known as urine substitution is very common. In this method you replace the original sample with the sample which is drug free. This method is free of cost and requires a little bit of risk. The only drawback is you never know that the replaced sample is free from drug metabolites. There are chances that sample you trust has drug metabolites as well. Apart from these methods there are natural remedies as well like drinking vinegar. Green tea, coffee, grapes can considerably mask the test but this method has its own limitations. The PH level can determine the creatinine level and then you will be under suspicion.

    Ways to pass drug test efficiently became common after the launch of detox kit and detox products. There are shampoos available in the market which can remove the drug metabolites for hair drug marijuana test. Drug testing is a complex process and it has the possibility of alteration at ever stage. Length of cocaine in system is different in different cases because the human body responds differently in all cases. You should follow a way which is foolproof and trustworthy in order to pass any drug test.

    How to pass