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  • December 19th, 2010

    4 Aspirins Pass A Drug Test

    4 Aspirins Pass a Drug Test.

    The Urine drug test is the most common of all the drug tests. This is so because it is almost the optimum drug test – with respect to the detection time i.e. the period before the test for which it can detect the use of drugs; expenses for a test; and accuracy. Marijuana, commonly referred to as pot, is the most commonly used drug in the United States as well as in many other nations. THC i.e. tetra hydro cannabinol is the psychoactive substance inside pot. THC is usually detected in urine. Aspirins are known to interfere with this piss test for THC. 4 aspirins pass a drug test for you when taken some time before the piss test.

    Drug tests were instituted to discourage the widespread practice of drug use. Testing positive in a drug test or simply the fear of testing positive in a drug test can and does discourage many existing and potential drug users. The only problem with drug tests is the issue of false positives. This is a condition when a person tests positive even if he is not a user of drugs. This happens due to the consumption of certain foodstuffs and medicines before the drug test. It can also happen due to inhalation of drug smoke that is being smoked by another person i.e. passive smoking of drugs. Here is some advice pass a drug test by avoiding false positives.

    To pass drug test do not use drugs. Also avoid taking in any over the counter medicines – these can give a false positive result. Check all the prescribed medicines that you take for the presence of chemicals that may trigger a false positive. Take regular fat burning exercise for 15 days before the piss test. THC is stored in fat and exercise will break down this toxin. For the same duration drink a lot of water. This will flush out the broken THC. Aspirin interferes with the piss test and prevents detection of toxins inside urine. 4 aspirins pass a drug test for you when taken 2 to 3 hours before the drug test.

    How to pass