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  • October 28th, 2010

    Against Drug Testing In The Workplace

    Read about actions against drug testing in the work place.

    Today drug testing is not just bound for sports players but it has caught the collars of workers and even teen age students. Drug testing is not done to catch the culprit and put him behind bars but to make then aware that what they are doing is not good for their own health, but this is not understood by few until serious action is taken. While some thin k that drug tests is necessary some are against drug tests in workplace or any other public place. There are many reasons for it. This article will tell you about a few of them.

    Drug testing is done to check the biological specimens like blood, hair or mouth swab for any traces of drugs. There are different types of drug tests like drug test marijuana joint or drug test cocaine joint. These drug tests are done using the latest technologies through which you cannot easily escape but still people try various methods to flush the drug from their system.

    As drug tests are now done seriously and serious actions are taken against those who are caught taking shots there have been many agitations in opposition to drug test. Especially in workplaces because workers believe that drug tests invades their privacy and if caught in it they can lose their prestige and they might even lose their job, but drug tests are important in work places because a dug addict is not responsible as a non addict person. A drug addict can lead to several legal issues and also to the loss of the company.

    All the above reasons and arguments are still continued in many companies when workers are asked to undergo a drug test. This protest itself shows that those who protest are the ones who consume drugs. Drug test do invade privacy because you never know that why a particular person is a drug addict but it does show you a path to come out of the addiction which is good for your health.

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