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  • November 17th, 2010

    Army Drug Test

    Read about the army drug test.

    Drug testing is obligatory for the federal employees. Pre employment drug testing is mandatory if you are applying for a job. One cannot avoid pre employment drug test since even the private companies have adopted the drug testing policies to administer their staff. The army drug test is the most significant component of the physical exam you need to face if you want to join an army. It is the basic necessity of the recruitment process. If you test positive for the use of any kind of illegal drugs then you might loose all your chances of being selected as all the military branches have adopted zero tolerance drug use policy recently.

    Urine specimens are collected for the purpose of drug screening. These specimens are collected under strict supervision and then they are shipped to standard drug testing laboratories for examination. The army tests for PCP, opiates, amphetamines, marijuana and barbiturates. The best way to pass a drug test is avoid drug use completely. As there won’t be any drug metabolites in your system you won’t be tested positive for the same. The second thing you can do if you are on drugs is try to delay the drug test as much as possible till all the drug metabolites are flushed out of your system completely. Cocaine will usually be out of your system in 3 days whereas marijuana takes 90 days. So you should make righteous efforts accordingly.

    Flush your system by drinking lots of water. Increasing fluid intake and urine flow will reduce the concentration of drug metabolites in the system and you can surely test negative. Drink as much as water as you can for several days prior to the scheduled test, this will help the regular smokers. You can also mask the dilution effect by using vitamin B which will color your watery urine yellow. Do not rely on niacin, bleach or vinegar to mask the drug metabolites at the last moment.

    Do not try tampering the sample or spiking with chemicals. The strict army procedures can detect tampering and will straight away deny your application for joining the military force. If you pass a drug test then only you will be eligible for joining the army.

    How to pass