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  • November 9th, 2010

    Cocaine Hair Drug Test

    Read about cocaine hair drug test.

    Whenever we think of drugs the first thing that comes to our mind is a white powdered substance that people snuff. The picture that we get in our mind is actually of cocaine. This is because we have seen it in movies or may be personally. Cocaine is a widely used drug and is considered one of the most powerfully addictable drugs also. As the use of cocaine is increasing rapidly as also drug tests for cocaine are also increasing. New devices and instruments have been made and developed for the detection of cocaine. Cocaine hair drug testing is also one of them.

    Hair drug test can be said to be the most advance drug tests. It is difficult for a person to manually clear drugs from his hair. Besides this a hair drug test can detect even those drugs that have been taken ninety days or almost three months before the test. This makes it stand apart from the other drug test which you can easily pass. When a person consumes drugs some drug residue is stuck in the root of the hair and so it becomes difficult to clear it manually. The drug can be removed only when the hair grows and comes out or when you shave off your scalp.

    Cocaine also can easily get stuck in the hair when you get a shot of cocaine. If you are thinking that can second hand smoke show up on drug test then the answer is “Yes”. Even if you just stand next to a person smoking cocaine leaves you still can get caught in a drug test because the particles form the smoke are easily trapped in your hair. So, it is better to stay away from a person who even smokes cocaine. As the drug is highly risky for your system and can cause deep addiction it is strictly banned from use. If you are caught using it then severe actions are taken against you and you have to face another probation drug test.

    The number of cocaine hair drug tests is increasing because they are highly efficient and advanced.

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