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  • November 9th, 2010

    Creatinine Drug Test

    creatinine drug test the way to detect drug metabolites

    The level of drug traces present in human body becomes the basis of creatinine drug test. Creatinine is the break down of creatine an important part of muscle. This creatinine is found in blood and urine. The quantity of creatinine in urine less as compared to blood. Up to 1.8 gm creatinine is excreted from urine. Men have higher level of creatinine as compared to women. Creatinine concentration level in urine helps to determine the drug presence in human body. The major tests that are conducted pertaining to drug traces are based on creatinine level.

    Follicle drug tests are very important in order to get the clear results in hair drug tests. Drug testing with hair sample is trusted by many experts as this test will determine the exact traces of drugs and their quantity. The duration of drug intake can also be gauged by hair drug sampling tests. The detoxification process is simple as follicle cleansing is concerned. You need to rinse hair with the cleansing shampoo for 20 minutes and then wash your hair.

    Repeating the process thrice weekly will make you ready for the hair based drug testing. The effect of marijuana is not that long lasting. It stays n the blood for forty eight hours. The process is also very simple as you can detect the drug traces provided with the home based drug kit. Make sure that the home based drug kit has equipments and devices in working conditions. Not only will these home based remedies detoxify the toxins present in hair and urine successfully. The creatinine factor is determined with the proper test and this concentration should be checked from urine sample. The metabolites of drug especially THC in case of marijuana becomes prominent.

    The detoxification method is different for different drug test. The toxins present on blood are removed by a different process as compared to the toxins present in hair. Hair follicle test is considered authentic by many authorities. Urine test as compared to the hair follicle is less trusted and subjected to tampering. Washing hair with proper cleansing agent and detoxifying it simultaneously will give successful and desired results. Half an inch of hair length is sufficient for hair drug test sampling and if you have less hair on your scalp the you should try sampling it out from chest or armpit region.

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