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  • December 24th, 2010

    Debate On Drug Testing In The Workplace

    Read the debate on drug testing in the workplace.

    The current debate over whether drug testing should be legal in workplace and schools has many different views. Evert employer wants his employees to maintain a safe work environment. Drug abuse within the workplace can hinder the person’s ability to perform the job and will reduce his/her potential. Should testing for the illegal toxins be legal in the workplace? Well this created a lot of problem and has many positive as well as negative effects.

    The company is affected when employees are under the influence of illegal drugs as the productivity decreases considerably. There is a threat to security within the workplace. Drugs are illegal; holders of public offices should set an example and demonstrate this by conducting drug tests. Employers have the right to expect their employees not to be high, stoned or asleep. If one is under the influence of drugs, employers have the right of firing him/her. But urine drug test cannot determine the job performance and even if one is tested positive in a drug screening, it has no evidence that the performance is getting affected by the use of drugs; it can only prove that the subject might have used drug at some point of time. Moreover there are a number of home remedies to pass a saliva drug test or a urine drug test.

    Many federal courts have ruled that testing programs conducted in public workplaces are not constitutional and can be done only in case of individualized suspicion. Throughout the nation, the courts have struck down programs that randomly checked the employees for the use of illicit drugs. The government believes that every individual has privacy rights and no one has the right to comment or prove someone guilty of illegal activities unless the authorities step in.

    However, despite the prevalence of drug testing in American workplace, the practice is an invasive, ineffective and expensive policy that largely fails to adequately detect the worker impairment to a safe working environment. The drug testing at workplace is facing a lot of critics and the employees don’t like the idea of it as it indulges with the privacy of the employees. They ultimately follow all the tactics and tricks to fool the labs and pass a drug test.

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