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  • November 9th, 2010

    Detoxing For A Drug Test

    Detoxing for a Drug Test.

    Drug testing is the process of checking for traces of drugs in the body of a person. Drug testing reveals drug use and, in some cases, the amount and frequency of drug use as well. It is used for pre employment drug testing, random in – employment testing, post accident testing, return to duty testing, testing of athletes and of school and college students. The fear of testing positive in a drug test or actually testing positive is known to discourage drug use by existing and potential users. This is the spirit with which drug testing was instituted.

    Drug Tests are named after the body fluid / extension that they use as a sample. Thus we have the urine drug test, the blood test, saliva / cotton swab test, sweat test / analysis and the hair drug test. The urine drug test is the most widely used drug test. The hair drug test is the most accurate while the saliva test is the quickest and the most difficult to cheat on. Usually drug tests check for the consumption of 10 most frequently consumed drugs. These drugs include marijuana that is the most popular and others like morphine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, benzodiazepine, ecstasy, opiates, PCP and cocaine etc. Cocaine is among the most powerful of drugs. Urine analysis is usually done for a cocaine drug tests.

    The problem with drug tests is that you can test positive even if you do not use drugs. This condition is called a false positive and occurs due to consumption of certain medicines and foodstuffs. So irrespective of your drug use habits, there is a need of detoxing for a drug test. There are two ways to go about this – the natural one and the synthetic alternative. The later involves the use of detox pills and syrups before the test. The natural one is a bit of a long term solution but is effective. It involves abstinence from drugs and a switch to a healthy lifestyle for at least 15 days before the test. The said lifestyle involves regular exercise that breaks down the toxins, drinking lots and lots of water throughout the day to flush out these broken toxins and a balanced healthy diet that is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vegetables.

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