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  • December 19th, 2010

    Drug Abuse Screening Serum

    Read about drug abuse screening serum

    Drug testing has become advanced in every aspect, be it detecting drugs or passing a drug test. Both the faces are growing at their own pace. As newer and newer technologies come forward there are some or the other ways to beat it. However it is not always easy to escape. Here is a new form of drug testing that might not please you if you are a drug addict. In this article you will get info on drug abuse screening serum. What is serum and how is the test conducted?

    Serum is the coagulated part of the blood. It does not contain any dense material and so cannot clot. The dense particles from it are removed by the process of centrifugation. Serum has many biological benefits including saving someone’s life if the [person has lost massive blood. The body will of course face the crisis of the particles in the blood but will later recover it. Besides these uses it has a common factor which is beneficial to few and disadvantageous to the others. It can help detect drugs.

    This type of drug test had many advantages including detecting many drugs from the same sample. When it comes to detecting drugs form a dead person then this is the type of drug test that is recommended by many technicians because the others are not possible or not beneficial. Like urine drug test is not possible and hair drug test can cause a false positive drug test.

    There are different ways to detect drugs from the serum, if you want to conduct test for yourself or your kids. The price of detection differs as per the test. This test is also recommended to detect drugs from the detox 7 drug test because one cannot easily flush away drugs from their blood. It is not easy to pass drug test when your serum is being tested. There are disadvantages of this drug test and that is that the set up cost is high and its takes a lot of time to get the results.

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