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  • January 20th, 2011

    Drug Discovery Screening Service

    Learn efficient use of drug discovery screening service.

    What is main factor in getting accurate and reliable result for drug testing? Well, simply in word its answer is drug discovery screening service. With vast technology you can really make difference in your drug discovery pipeline. Make use of comprehensive products and other services which give their main focus on main classifications like ion channels, nuclear receptors kinases and GPCRs. Most of the drug discovery screening service offers quite large span in their products. You will get world class screening services and some high quality basic researches as well. Drug discovery screening service gives you confident feeling about synthetic drug metabolites, drug-metabolizing enzymes as well as structured assays which are beneficial for evaluating drug safety.

    With the help of drug discovery screening service, you can get minute info about drug metabolites. As technology advances there is large increment in the use of synthetic drugs. Synthetic drugs are chemically derived one and have ability to give larger high than natural substance. Ecstasy is one such derived drug; it is most dangerous one and affects life of lots of young people till date. Know more ecstasy drug test facts. Ecstasy is also known by the name MDMA. It is taken from the sassafras tree. Reason behind the popularity of the said drug is effect it gives is quite matching with that of hallucinogens and amphetamines. Drug peddlers distributed this drug to the every corner of the world. Hence ecstasy is popular substance on rave parties and concerts like activities.

    Being a synthetic in nature, you can detect ecstasy presence up to 4 days in urine samples. Person is under influence of ecstasy for more than 12-24 years. It depends on sensitivity as well potency of the drugs he had taken. After researching more on this topic it is said that duration of influence stays long from one to fourteen days after the consumption. Some short term aftereffects of this drug include depression, insomniac behavior, strong craving for particular drug etc. These effects persist till person make use of that drug. Physical problems include nausea, fever, teeth clenching etc. Urine or hair drug testing are the most standard one to detect presence ecstasy metabolites.

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