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  • October 7th, 2010

    Drug Test And Employers

    There is a close relation between drug test and employers in today’s corporate culture. Various types of drug tests are carried out on candidates before absorbing them in any organization. It is not only for the satisfaction of the employers, but it also takes care of the safety and security of the candidate.

    Reason for the drug test

    Majority of the companies that fall under the category of Fortune 500 companies, do drug tests of their employees on a regular basis. The main aim behind the drug test is to reduce drug abuse in the workplace thus enhancing the productivity and efficiency of the workers. Regular workers and employees also have to pass a drug test, which falls under routine check-up of the workers.

    It has been observed that majority of the accidents that take place at a workplace are due to consumption of drugs and alcohol. Drug abusers use health care benefits to a greater extent than non-abusers. As a result of this, most of the Safety professionals and HR managers have given their consent to carry out a drug test for their employees. Both pre-hiring and post-hiring tests are conducted by the employers.

    How are drug tests conducted?

    In maximum of the cases, the candidate is sent to a pathological laboratory, where his/her urine and blood sample is collected and sent for tests. There are also various types of drug kits that are available in the market, which help in detecting drugs in a body. However, if the results of the test are positive in case of kits, the sample has to be sent again to the lab for reconfirmation.

    What are the drugs that are tested?

    Among all the tests, it is important for the candidate to pass amphetamine drug test. Candidates are also tested for other drugs like cocaine, marijuana, morphine, PCP and codein. Different drugs stay in the body for different periods of time. To detect amphetamine, three types of tests can be done, which include urine test, saliva test and the hair follicle test. The period for which methamphetamine stays in the body varies from 72-96 hours.

    Result in case the drug test proves positive

    A candidate has full right to get the urine or saliva sample re-tested from any other laboratory. If an employee tests positive for the drug test, he/she will have to follow the policies of the company and do accordingly. Incase, it is for the would-be employees, their acceptance is totally cancelled.

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