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  • October 7th, 2010

    Drug Test Body Cleanser

    Drug Test Body Cleanser.

    Drug tests check the presence of drugs / narcotics inside the body of a person. Many people consume drugs to enhance performance (usually done by athletes and other sportspersons), to feel good or simply out of sheer addiction. In the long term this consumption can affect the health and productivity of the person.

    With this as a starting point the Drug Free Workplace Act was enacted in the US in 1988. The Act mandated government employees to subject themselves to periodic drug tests. The provisions of the act were adapted by many private employers as well. This is in sync with the employer’s concern of maintaining a healthy, accident and conflict free work environment.

    However, two little facts combine to make this well meaning legislation a hotly debated issue. First, drug testing methods are not entirely reliable. Next, many of the chemicals classified as drugs are present in numerous over the counter drugs. This adds to the probability of innocents being branded as drug users.

    A three step shampoo and conditioner hair washing technique is available for those who wish to clear the hair test drug testing. The hair test involves checking a hair strand, extracted from any part of the body, for drug residues. These residues gradually build up at the root of the hair and up to a distance of 2.5 to 4 cm from the scalp. The technique involved in this is to wash the residues from the base of the root in a scientific and technical manner.

    For clearing blood tests a more systematic approach is required. This involves proper and consistent exercise, diet and water consumption for at least a week before the test.

    Urine cleansing solutions are available for clearing urine tests. Urine cleansers are a combination of minerals, herbal cleansers and vitamins which cause the body to produce large amounts of carbohydrates. This prevents the kidneys from releasing toxins in the urinary track and also from new toxins from entering into the bladder. Urine cleansers start acting in about 45 minutes from when they are consumed and their effect lasts for about 5 – 6 hours. However, it is highly recommended to use these under proper medical guidance.

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