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  • November 9th, 2010

    Drug Test Cannabis

    Drug test cannabis

    Cannabis sativa or marijuana or ganja is a plant that grows as a weed in Southeast Asian countries and in the Indian subcontinent. The plant has a chemical called THC (Tetrahydrocannabidol) which is responsible for this effect. The action of the drug is short term and the amount of THC decreases dramatically after an hour or so after consumption. However this also depends on the amount and frequency as well as the potency of the drug. Cannabis is considered a soft drug and has less harmful effects compared to opiates and chemical substances.

    Professional sports drug testing is common as well and the controversy surrounding the victory of Ben Johnson in 1988 and the shocking support of FDA (Food and Drug Association) along with the AMA (American Medical Association) had made it a debatable issue. However, anabolic steroids were added to Schedule III of the Controlled Substances Act in the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990. However cannabis is not one of the drugs that is in the list of Schedule III drugs. Nevertheless if tested for cannabis and proven positive, it may result in disbarment on the basis of breaking the law.

    These steroids which are also known as anabolic steroids are testosterone boosting chemicals and are often smuggled illegally in many countries. The steroids include Buprenorphine, Ketamine, LSD, Xyrem, Hydrocodone, Marinol, and Paregoric. The law states that – “required findings for drugs to be placed in this schedule the drug or other substance has a potential for abuse less than the drugs or other substances in schedules I and II.” Schedule I contains the drug cannabis sativa or marijuana or its active ingredient THC which is responsible for psychoactive properties.

    Therefore it can be concluded that even though steroids or performance enhancing drugs fall under the Schedule II and cannabis doesn’t, it is still illegal to consume THC or cannabis or both even though they are not listed in the Schedule II list of controlled substances Act. The bottom line is that drug test cannabis accidentally can lead to a negative result to pass drug test even though it is not classified as a steroid or performance enhancing drug.

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