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  • January 20th, 2011

    Drug Test Cleansers Do Not Work

    Know more about failure of cleansers.

    Drug test cleansers- one of the most proven remedy for beating drug test. Drug testing cleansers are commercially available. You can found numerous verities in drug test cleansers including one which you can use for longer run. All drug cleansers work with the similar manner. They try to remove drug metabolites from bladder and leaves clean urine. Fluids can easily enters into the fat cells and able to wash away all the dirty toxics. First, you can try for home made drug test cleansers. Cranberry or other citric fruit juices are the best natural detox cleansers. Drink more water. So you can urinate more. This will provide great help in throwing out toxics out from the body.

    There are some herbal base detox cleansers as well. They help in cleaning kidney and other vital organs. Diuretic herbs boost up the kidney action and turning out for more urine. You can take these herbs as supplements or directly with warm water. Person suffering from kidney disorder should avoid this method. It is better if they take medical advice before going for any detoxification treatment. Same is applicable for high blood pressure and diabetic patents. It is advisable for them to talk with senior medical authority. Take your prescription and medical history file along with you. So you will able to convince about false positive drug test. It is equally important to use other detox treatments as well. Take proper nutrition’s, plenty of water as support treatments.

    Sometimes besides taking so many precautions, drug test results come positive. It is may be due to the circumstances gets beyond control. It may lead to frustration when drug test cleansers do not work. It is because wastage of energy, time and not to mention a wastage of money too. Main reason behind failure may be people fail to consider detection time. It is important to think how long it takes to clean your system of marijuana. Each drug comes with different detection period. You will get info on that with the help of internet. Though, these figures are just tentative one and taken from observation. You can have predictions from them. Along with detection time, know cut off values as well.

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