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  • December 24th, 2010

    Drug Test Detox And Clear

    Drug Test Detox and Clear

    Detoxification, or detox as it is generally referred to, is the process of removing drug residues from the human body. As a person consumes drugs, drug residues accumulate inside the body. Even when the person stops using drugs, these residues are retained inside the body. These then produce a feeling of craving for the drug. This craving is the reason why drugs are addictive – you use them once and you will want to use them forever. This is also the reason why kicking away drug use habits are so difficult. Drug test detox and clear will help in eliminating the residues and giving up drugs. Detox is also essential before drug testing in order to avoid getting a positive drug test result.

    Detox can either be natural or synthetic. Natural detox is slower but more effective in the long run. It is also free from the side effects that may be associated with synthetic detox. Natural detox usually involves fat burning exercise, sauna for sweating by burning fats and consumption of natural foods and herbs. Synthetic detox involves taking chemical pills and liquid solutions to detox the body. Drug Residues are stored in fats and burning fats breaks down these residues. To flush out these broken down residues, through sweat and urine, you need to drink a lot of water, In fact, drinking a lot of water / fluids is an essential part of natural detox. Sitting in a sauna causes fats to burn and also removes the broken residues through sweat. Diet and herbal products prevent the accumulation of any fresh toxins. They also reduce the feeling of craving that is a big hindrance while giving up this habit.

    Creatine is synthesized endogenously and is converted into creatinine during muscle contraction. Creatine and drug testing are related. Creatinine is steadily excreted from the body through urine. If you drink a lot of water, urine is diluted and the level of creatinine falls. If it goes below a certain level, your attempts of dilution stand exposed. Eating red meat enhances creatinine levels and should be consumed before pass drug test.

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