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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Test Diet

    Read about drug test diet.

    Drug testing policies are mandatory in several workplaces, high schools and medical institutions these days. With the increased abuse of illegal drugs, it has become necessary for the employers as well as the high school administrators to institute drug testing programs in their establishments. Drug testing is the only tool available in the present society to discourage the use of these dangerous substances. Although it is a direct invasion to the privacy rights of an individual, there is no way to avoid a drug testing protocol. Employment drug testing policies requires one to come clear in a drug test or else the employment offer is denied. Several websites on the internet are promoting the detox products that claim to cleanse the system prior to the drug test. However they might not work all the time. Here in the article are simple tips on drug test diet that will help you detoxify the system.

    Rather than following a complicated detox plan that limits the use of every food item except for veggies and fruits and that gets you down to detox drinks everyday, the article has a simple drug test diet plan that is safer and effective. You can have fruits rich in citric juices and veggies to increase the metabolism rate of the system. Make sure that the fruit juices you drink are not sweetened or contain artificial sweeteners. Stay hydrated and get as much as exercise as you can. You are required to drink at least 2 liters of water per day. This will tap down the concentration of drug metabolites in the system below the threshold of detection.

    Avoid greasy and fatty foodstuffs and anything that contains sweeteners. Fats are believed to slow down the detoxification process. Cut down on processed food, ready meals and takeaways. It is necessary to follow this plan and make sure that you avoid the use of all the harmful toxins for a couple of days prior to the test. Your efforts are going to be counted, so adopt a healthy lifestyle and beat the drug test!

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