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  • January 20th, 2011

    Drug Test How To Pass Home

    Adopt cheap way to pass drug test. Go for home remedies.

    Drug testing is mandatory at the workplace, school and colleges. If person is unveil with this fact he continues with his drug habit. However, when it is time for testing, only one thing comes in their mind and it is how to beat drug tests. Well, as technology progresses there are some changes with drug test passing methods. Even though they are useful and rapidly give the result they are having strong medicines and drugs. It is not advisable to continue such drugs for longer time. In such scenario, you have only single option in hand and it is drug test how to pass home. Home remedies are simple, natural and most importantly you can continue them as long as you want.

    You can choose your home remedy depend on the drug metabolic count and your screening date. When you are undergoing with any detoxification treatment, it is must that you need to consume minimum 8-12 glasses of water in a day. Water acts as strong detoxification agent without leaving any harm on the body. If you are testing against marijuana metabolites, then without fail start drinking green tea. Remember to have plain, flavored less, regular green tea with warm water. Continue this treatment for more than 3-4 months. Marijuana metabolites are slow one and takes time to decompose. Another proven method is use of pectin. You will get it from grocery store. Mix it completely with the water. Pectin is used to get jelly like structure to fruit juices. Drink that mixture before your test.

    When you are having excess water, they try to dilute the drug metabolites. Excess water intake shows in your urine sample. Urine specimens you give are whitish in color and far below than normal temperature. These two factors indicate your tampering attempt. Take B complex pills to mask your tampering attempt. Multivitamins are also advisable. If you know urine drug test detection periods, then adjust your treatment accordingly.

    Multivitamins increases the non watery content from urine samples. They give natural yellow color to urine. This one is most effective method of masking. There are few others remedies as well. However, you need to figure out myth attached with them. Do not go with the methods like drink bleach or vinegar etc. Most of these substances do not have any detox agents and they fail to give you desired result.

    How to pass