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  • November 9th, 2010

    Drug Test In 2 Days

    Drug Test in 2 Days

    Drug tests are being increasingly used by authorities to discourage drug use. The popularity of drug test is based on the premise that the fear of testing positive or actually testing positive in a drug test can deter potential and existing drug users from using drugs. Although the intentions are good, there are a host of other connected issues. For one, there is the looming threat of a false positive test. Then there is question of privacy violation.

    If you have a drug test in your office, school, college or other such places in the next 2 days then here is what you need to know and need to do. First of all, do not use drugs – at least in this period. We would recommend a permanent abstinence, and this limited abstinence can be a start in that direction. Then you need to make a list of all the foodstuffs and medicines that you consume. This is because consuming certain medicines and foodstuffs can make you test positive even if you do not actually consume drugs. Check out the list with your doctor and the diet expert. Do not use any over the counter medicines. Get a prescription and have the prescriptions of all the medications ready. You may have to produce these in case of a false positive test.

    Another thing to do to pass a drug test is detoxification. The urine test is the most commonly employed drug test. To get through this one you need to dilute and detoxify your urine. You can use a synthetic detoxifier under medical advice or drink a lot of water and cranberry juice before drug test. Cranberry juice is a natural detoxifier, diuretic and it also aids kidney function. It breaks down the drug residues and stimulates urination. Drinking water therefore helps you to flush out these broken down toxins through urine. This has to be done 2 to 3 hours before the test. Apart from this, it will be in your interest to have a detox mouthwash with you. It will help you get through a saliva drug test. In case you are lined up for a hair test, you will have to use a detox shampoo that conceals drug residues in your hair.

    How to pass