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  • December 19th, 2010

    Drug Test In Blood

    Read for how drug test in blood is carried out.

    There are main 5 forms of drug testing. Blood drug testing comes third as per the popularity. Main two reasons behind this are, one it is not cost effective way of drug test, and secondly it blood drug test required complete laboratory set up. Still it is conducted to avail benefits of drug testing in for the designation, where person is essentially required free from drugs. One of the prerequisites for any drug testing is to make sample specimen ready for test. In urine or saliva testing, you can make use of specimen as it is. However, same is not case with the drug test in blood. With centrifugal process, it is necessary to separate out blood plasmas through blood cells. Most often blood drug testing is conducted to detect methanol or /paracetamol presence.

    Another main concern in drug testing is getting false positive result. For the same, get to know what false positive result is. False positive result means your report shows positive for some other illegal or banned substance. It depends on the laboratory you select for screening. If lab is completely equipped with the latest analytical screening equipments, there is hardly chance for getting false positive result. Home base drug test kits fails to distinguish in between similar chemical structure of drug metabolites and other drug traces. If you take example of marijuana, it has around 80 different drug metabolites. If you know, you are having drug screening in coming days, then do not switch your prescription with out any medical authority. Same is applicable for dietary supplements. Most dietary supplements have caffeine as appetite suppresser. Caffeine shows positive result for cocaine.

    If you take few poppy seed just before the drug testing, then test result will come positive for opiates. Many people ask that do pain pills show up on a drug test, answer of the same question is what its constituents are and how long they remain in the system. If prescribe pain killers have opium derivates or synthetic opiates chances of getting positive result increases. It also depends on the form of drug test. With GC MS ways of drug test, you will not get false positive result.

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