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  • October 7th, 2010

    Drug Test Marijuana Wallgreen Accuracy

    Drug Test Marijuana Walgreen Accuracy.

    Marijuana is the most popular drug in the USA as well as in other places. Commonly known as pot, it can either be smoked in or orally consumed. In the former case the effects are felt almost immediately but do not last long. When orally consumed, the effects do not show immediately but last longer. In the later case the effects are also more potent.

    The Walgreen Company is the largest chain of drugstores in the United States. It has presence in all the states and regions of US. Also known as Walgreens, the company offers pharmacy, health and wellness services, and consumer goods in all its stores across the nation. Home Drug Testing kits are also available at Walgreens stores and these are known for their accuracy.

    Pot affects vital organs like the brain, heart and lungs. It produces hallucinations and a feeling of extreme optimism when the user feels as if he is in control of everything around him and as if he is on the top of the world. The heart rate increases with a drop in blood pressure. The increase in heart rate can be up to 40 beats per minute. When under the influence of pot, a person is 4 times more likely to have a stroke. Pot also negatively affects the air purifying ability of the lungs.

    So if you are worried about someone in your family of in your close friend circle doing drugs you can get yourselves the Walgreens home drug tester. It will include test for marijuana in your drug test kit. Even otherwise, you can get yourself tested for drugs ahead of a similar test in your office, school etc. This is because you are likely to unknowingly consume drugs through over the counter medicines. Many of these medicines contain drug chemicals as ingredients. Walgreens tester is supposed to be the most sensitive tester available in the market at present. It comes with an accuracy of 99.9%. The test results are obtained in a matter of minutes, not hours. And you can do all this in the private confines of your house.

    The tester is easy to use and comes with all the apparatus required for the test. It is also accompanied with a detailed but simple instruction manual that will help you get through this one step procedure without any glitches.

    How to pass