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  • December 24th, 2010

    Drug Test With Swab

    Why swab testing gaining popularity in recent years, what are its plus points.

    A drug test with swab is carried out with the saliva sample. Swab is used to collect the sample by inserting inside the mouth. Swab is toothbrush like structure having cotton instead of bristles. With the swab you can collect saliva specimen in which you may get drug traces. Drug remnants are resides in the saliva for small period of time. Hence drug test with swab is considered as most effective random drug test. Drug traces are remain in the saliva even if its effects are worn out. However, this period varies from person and its overall drug history, type of drug used etc. People who have prolong drug history get positive result most often. Random drug screening is carried out at workplace as a technique to make work atmosphere free from drugs and safe.

    It is quite difficult to pass saliva drug test, if you abuse it within the drug detection window period. Saliva drug testing form has very less detection window time and there is huge chance of getting drug traces in your sample specimen. Drug like marijuana or cocaine are consume directly through smoking leaves higher traces inside the saliva. In such circumstance to pass the test, drink plenty of water. Water dilutes the drug traces trap inside the mouth. You can also try for detox mouthwash products. They prove very effective to pass the test.

    Detox products from coating inside the mouth so that drug traces can not get collected inside the cotton swab. If you drink lots of water after drug consumption, it proves very effective in order to worn out drug traces. Furthermore, excess water intake makes you to pass urine very frequently. Hence with urine as well you can thrash out some drug traces from the body organs. Though all this methods are not much reliable you can try out to reduce drug metabolites quantity below the cut off level. Saliva drug test detect nicotine very effectively. Though nicotine is not comes under the class 5 type drugs, saliva testing kits have facility to check presence of nicotine traces.

    As per the recent reports from reputed university, among all drug testing forms, saliva drug testing is consider as the highly reliable and effectively produce result base on type of drug consume.

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