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  • October 7th, 2010

    Drug Testing College Athletes

    Drug Testing College Athletes.

    Drug Use or Drug Abuse is a major issue in the United States. Many people view this as the number one problem in this country. Some disturbing statistics will elaborate the point. The number of people who said they did drugs during their high school is greater than 80%. These figures were collected and compiled by the US Department of Health and Human Services. Furthermore, the percentage of college goers who have used cocaine, one of the potent drugs, is a high 17%. The more powerful a drug is the more is its addictive power as well.

    Most of the drugs produce similar effects although the intensity of the effects is different. The common effects include a feeling of optimism making the user have illusions of being in control of everything and being on the top of the world. There is an increase in the heart rate accompanied by, depending on the drug consumed, an increase or decrease in blood pressure. Most drugs also negatively affect the efficiency of lungs. In the long term drug use seriously erodes the power of the user’s immune system.

    The feeling of optimism, known in general parlance as “getting high”, is the main reason why people in general and athletes in particular resort to drug use. It sweeps aside the problems from the user’s mind and makes him extremely hopeful for the time being. College is also an arena where an athlete may resort to drug use to win the competition simply to satisfy his sense of pride (even if professional and financial benefits are not available). Apart from peer pressure, this mistaken sense of vanity is an important reason for consumption of drugs.

    Most college athletes are made to undergo the urine test. Drug testing of college athletes has also become a matter of controversy. Athletes complain of being singled out for these drug tests when most other college goers are also consuming drugs. There is merit in this complain as has been proved through surveys. College athletes further cite the invasion of privacy and embarrassment that these tests cause. However, the intrusion of supervisors during the urine test is justified on the ground that people routinely submit fake urine for drug test if the peeing is unsupervised.

    All in all, this is a controversial and debatable issue with many gray areas. But what is beyond question is the objective behind the drug tests – something that makes them a necessity, which some may describe as a necessary evil.

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