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  • November 17th, 2010

    Drug Testing Data

    Read the drug testing data.

    Drug tests are mandatory for the federal employees. Drug testing policies are also adopted by many employers to determine whether a new potential employee or an existing employee is under the influence of any kind of illicit drugs. Drug testing by parents to check their wards for drug use is also gaining popularity with the advent of many drug testing home kits and the relative affordability of these kits in the recent years. Scroll down and get the info about the drug testing methods.

    Drug testing is basically the examination of biological specimens for the presence or absence of drugs and drug metabolites in the system. These tests can come up in several forms- urine test, blood test, saliva drug test or hair drug test. Urinalysis is the most common one. Under the US federal guidelines the drug testing plan must screen for the presence of five drugs which are most commonly abused. These include Cannabinoids, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines and PCP.

    One can test positive in a drug test if the initial screening test and the follow up test shows the same result. People interested in getting hired for federal services must be prepared to undergo a drug screening. A positive result means they loose the job opportunity. Same is the case for commercial truck drivers. A negative result in a drug test does not necessarily mean that no drug was found in the sample. It can simply mean that drug metabolites concentration is lower than the cutoff. There are various drug test solutions as well as home remedies that can help you test negative and pass drug test.

    The most common questions posted to various forum discussion boards typically revolve around the same question: “how can I pass drug test?” These questions are typically posted by the illegal drug abusers who have no intention of quitting drugs and simply want to cheat a drug screening. The best answer would be getting a permanent help for drug addiction and not using them for the rest of their lives. Secondly how will you pass a drug test will also depend upon the frequency and quantity of drug used by you and the time taken by the system to detoxify the system completely.

    How to pass