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  • February 16th, 2011

    Drug Testing Discrimination

    Does drug testing discrimination violating human rights?

    Main aim of mandatory drug testing is to ban people who are regularly abuse marijuana, cocaine and other illicit substance. Marijuana remain is the body system for more than 90 days span. It is quite long period even after effects of it are from central nervous system gets fed out. People who have always keep distance from drugs may fail in drug screening due to inaccuracy and false positive result. Drug screening actually does not interfere with any impairment. Its main concern is drug testing discrimination

    Consequence associated with drug testing is getting job less, loss of image in society, giving up insurance, retirement benefits etc. The national science academy once formed a committee to research on drug testing effectively. Drug testing and detoxification is now becoming multi million dollar industry. It is true that drug abusing at work place is major problem now and it extolling the plus point of drug testing as solution. Drug testing industry is now improving and generating more productivity together with increase effectiveness. Let us know saliva drug testing how to pass.

    Employers have relied on information provided by drug testing promoters who have an inherent conflict of interest on the topic. Drug Testing products and services are now a multi-billion dollar industry which rely on the magnification of the severity of drug-related problems in the workplace and extolling the benefits of drug testing as a solution. They market drug testing with the promise that they will improve productivity and profits. They use bogus studies to arrive at estimates of “costs of lost productivity.” The Research Triangle Institute researchers “found no difference in the annual incomes of households with and without current marijuana users or with users of other drugs.”

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