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  • October 7th, 2010

    Drug Testing Hair Samples

    Drug Testing Hair Samples

    Drug Tests check the consumption of drugs by a person. These tests are named after the body fluid / part which is used as the sample. Thus we have the blood test, urine test, sweat test / analysis, saliva swab test and the hair drug test. The urine test is the most commonly conducted drug test. The hair drug test is not that common but is used where accuracy is of paramount importance and therefore overrides all other concerns.

    With the phenomenon of drug use or drug abuse becoming more and more widespread relevant authorities were forced to make drug tests compulsory in workplaces – public and private, school and college campuses and other places. It is a proven fact that getting caught in a drug test does decrease drug use. Unfortunately, drug testing has also led people to explore new ways to beat the drug tests. Some of these methods actually work and have led to the development of detoxification products.

    Hair Drug tests are not that easy to beat. Drug residues accumulate in the inner layers of the hair of the user as he consumes drugs. The Hair Drug Test extracts a sample of hair from any part of the person’s body. The outer layer of hair, called cuticle, is then dissolved. The middle layer is the cortex in which the drug residues accumulate and this is tested for presence of drugs. This procedure makes it very difficult to beat the test. Hair drug tests are usually employed by the armed forces to check drug use by new recruits or even by other soldiers. Fitness being the main concern of the armed forces, any practice that reduces fitness is attempted to be curbed.

    Having said that, it is not impossible to beat this test either. Here is some free drug test passing advice. A detoxifying or masking shampoo can do the trick for you. However, make it a point to purchase, and possibly even use, the shampoo under professional guidance. The principle of operation of such shampoos is fairly simple. These open up the cuticle and form a film over the cortex. This film is insoluble and therefore masks the cortex. Drug residues in the cortex, if any, are masked and therefore not revealed in the test.

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