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  • December 19th, 2010

    Drug Testing In High Schools

    Read about drug testing in high schools.

    Drugs have spread their arms all over the world and have not left even teenagers. Teenage is the most beautiful and also important period in one’s life. It never comes back but affects your whole life. The inspiration or criticism that you get at this point of life remains with you throughout your life. If you get in to drug addiction at such a young age then it is difficult to come out of it. As teenagers and youngsters are the future strength of any country and also the world it is important to get them at the right track. So, drug tests are conducted in high schools. Do you want to know about drug testing in high schools? Then read this article.

    Drug testing in high schools has always being an issue from the time when a few young boys knocked the doors of the court to get justice. This story began when a school asked the boys to submit their urine samples for a drug test and ordered that then only they can participate in the games. This made them bring the issue in front of the whole world. When they went to the court, the supreme court of Washington declares that conducting random drug tests in schools is illegal as it interferes with the fundamental rights of the kids and that is their privacy.

    While the students rejoice about it many parents and school authorities have not agreed to it. This debate still continues on a global base. Some countries are still following this rule and some do not agree to it and continue to conduct random drug test in schools. There are drug test like codeine detection in hair test or cocaine detection in urine, before any sports competition. This surely interferes with the privacy of the children and if one fails the test that child will have to face many obstacles in life further. However, this is a stern step to stop the increasing rate of drug addiction amongst children.

    The question is not about interfering one’s privacy but about how to stop drug addition to increase to which this is thought to be as one of the solutions.

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