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  • October 19th, 2010

    Opinions On Drug Testing In High Schools

    Opinions on drug testing in high schools

    Supreme Court’s ruling gives public school powers the green light for conducting random drug test of all the junior as well as senior high school students desiring to participate in many different activities. The lesson unluckily is that Fourth Amendment becomes a historical artifact, a charming relic from bygone days if our country respected scrupulous protection of Constitutional freedoms of a person. Drug testing has been made compulsory in many high schools. Students need to pass drug test before participating in any school activity. When a students seeks for participating in after school activities her or his urine is taken as well as tested for any reason or not any reason. Gone are any needs for personal suspicion.

    Trust and respect are replaced with a distrust and even severe authoritarian demand, which students prove their innocence at impulse of schoolteacher. Most of the reasoned, which need students to yield their urine for observation as a precondition for participating in extracurricular activities will act as a deterrent for drug utilization. Court reasoned that all students, who find to join debate team, play in marching band or in any other school activity knowing that their urine will be tested for the use of drugs would be deterred from making use of drugs.
    While few students can really be deterred from making use of drugs, the traditional knowledge is that students, who contribute in extracurricular activities, are few of the least likely to make use of drugs. Also when applied to students who do not make use of drugs, the decision of Court just makes matters worse. Federal government has also attempted everything from frightening imprisonment to yank student loans, to spend millions of dollar on only say no and yet few students continue for experimenting with marijuana as well as other drugs. Eventually, when a student does select for experimenting with an illicit drug, many parents would chose that their child be learned the skills essential for surviving the experiment with little danger to self.
    Passing drug test in 24 hours becomes easy now with the use of quick fix synthetic urine. Quick fix synthetic urine has the power to make your urine clean and make you to pass drug test in 24 hours. Many ask this question how to pass drug test in 24 hours in online forums. The answer is easy by drinking plenty of water. Drinking plenty of water is the best way to pass drug test in 24 hours.

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