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  • November 9th, 2010

    Drug Tests In Schools

    Drug Tests in Schools.

    Drug use is a major problem in the United States. According to reliable surveys, 80% of adults in US admitted to using at least low power drugs like marijuana in their school and college days. And, 17% admitted the use of high power drugs like cocaine. This will give you some idea of the gravity of the problem. Their friends and acquaintances introduce students to this evil in schools. Peer pressure and an aura of machismo surrounding drug use ensure that non users are attracted to it. Once used, students get hooked on to it as drugs are addictive and affect the central nervous system.

    The entire controversy on drug testing revolves around fine line between the right of authorities to have a drug free environment in their premises and the privacy of the individuals. The same is true for drug testing in schools. The use of drugs can cause problems like absenteeism, under performance, aggressive and even violent behavior. All this can disturb the peace and tranquility that is supposed to promote learning on educational campuses. On the other hand, the privacy of the student is partially compromised. Again there is the question of false positives and the dent in pride that a positive test can lead to as also the effectiveness of random tests in discouraging the use of drugs.

    The fear of testing positive can and does, to a certain extent, discourage drug use. However the possibility of even non users testing positive – a situation termed as false positive, can really scare students. This in turn can make them fall prey to many of the urban legends i.e. apparent methods of passing drug tests, which in fact can even be fatal. Thus a student can drink bleach and get himself in trouble even if he is lined up only for a codine drug test. Then there is the omnipresent issue of privacy. Students feel that being asked to undergo a drug test embarrasses them. And, many of them feel that these drug tests are a starting point for bringing in other forms of monitoring and surveillance on citizens. The compromise is to conduct drug tests on the basis of referrals for those who fall under the category of “cause of suspicion”. Students, parents, teachers and administrators can make these referrals.

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