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  • November 17th, 2010

    Drug Tests Novacaine

    Read about drug tests novacaine.

    Drug tests are becoming more and more popular with more and more number of people indulging in illicit drug use. The government has made drug test mandatory for the federal employees. Drug test is a must if you seeking a job or willing to participate in any sports activity. There are a number of drugs and their by products that can test you positive in a screening and you loose the job opportunity. Will novocaine show up in a drug test? Read to find out!

    Novocaine is a synthetically created derivative of cocaine drug after undergoing a number of processes. Novocaine is used as an anesthetic in cases of minor surgeries. It is quick in its action and requires only 3-5 minutes following injection for complete analgesia to set in. when this drug is used alone it wears off quickly within 12-15 minutes. That is why it always used in the form of mixture. When mixed with epinephrine it lasts for about 30-45 minutes.

    Novocaine was basically developed as a replacement for cocaine but it lacks the addictive and euphoric properties of cocaine. Cocaine is highly addictive and dangerous drug which increases heart rate and body temperature. Cocaine is generally tested for in a drug test and is included in the NIDA-5. Cocaine does not hide into the system for years to the extent that you can fail a drug test. Unlike marijuana detox, detoxifying cocaine is easy and cocaine is out of the system in 3-4 days. Heavy use can cause it to show up for fair number of days in any sample provide for the purpose of drug screening.

    Novocaine does not cause any false positive for cocaine. Novocaine is generally used as a dental anesthetic. If you are undergoing a dental treatment and you are supposed to face a drug test then get a dispatch from the doctor that you are were treated and given novocaine preceding then drug trial. This letter will help you if the authorities accuse you for drug use. This will help you surely pass a drug test but usually novocaine does not show up in any drug tests.

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