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  • December 24th, 2010

    Easy Drug Test Pass

    Get to know some really very easy drug test pass ways.

    Are you tired of searching simple yet effective detoxifying ways to pass the drug test? Worried about whether masking agent actually give you negative result or not? Then read it here for easy yet effective ways to pass the drug test. For the same first learn how drug testing is conducted. Drug testing is carried out by checking biological specimens of human body. It includes saliva, blood, hair, urine and sweat. Out of these five method urine testing is widely accepted mode of drug screening. Hair and blood testing is conducted where more accurate and reliable test result is necessary.

    Urine testing is simple and not so costly. Any one can perform it from the home base drug testing kits. However, tampering with the urine sample is not that difficult. Also, home drug test kits used for urine testing are fail to give reliable and more accurate result. Chances of getting false positive result with them are quite large. Techniques involve in easy drug test pass are not costly and does not leave any harsh after effect on body.

    To pass a urine test drug test, remember you need to focus on how you can reduce the drug metabolite level. Try to clean the bladder as much as you possible. Drinking plenty of water is best option for it. Water acts both the ways, first of all they try to increase drug metabolite rate and then gives natural way to pass them. However, remember that excess water intake may cause water intoxication which proves very risk and may take one’s life. Also try to focus on drinking plain water only. Juices or any herbal liquid diet not give much beneficial result. There are some urine additive products available in the market. However, one can take them under the medical guidance. Other than this have B complex vitamins. Niacin is one of them. It effectively masks the tampering attempt by giving yellow color to sample.

    Several drug test forms take urine testing as first step for screening. Later one is confirmatory testing. Either GC/ MS screening is used as confirmatory testing. With this you can avoid getting false positive result.

    How to pass