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  • November 17th, 2010

    Ethical Issues On Drug Testing In The Workplace

    Ethical Issues on Drug Testing in the Workplace

    Drug use is a huge problem in the United States as well as in many other countries. The problem is a multidimensional one – personal, professional and societal. Drug Testing was instituted to check this practice of drug use. Testing positive in a drug test or merely the fear of not passing the drug test is enough to discourage drug use among existing and potential drug users. However, like many other issues the issue of drug testing is not as simple as it appears at first glance. There are many ethical issues on drug testing in the workplace.

    The use of drugs has many ill consequences. It can lead to chronic absenteeism and under performance in the office. The user is also more prone to accidents while handling equipment in the workplace as well as automobiles on the road. Drug users also behave in a more aggressive manner. This aggression can sometimes transform into violence. Therefore the people who are closest to the user – family, friends and colleagues can be in grave danger from the user. The user may also resort to robberies and thefts to find the money for drugs. At the broad societal level, the use of drugs creates a demand for drugs which is the reason why the narcotics mafia and the drug cartels exist. Drugs have destroyed many a life and family and need to be stopped at the very beginning by instituting the drug test – that was done by the Drug Free workplace Act in 1988 for government employees.

    On the downside are the issues of privacy, false positives and effectiveness. Employees feel their privacy is being eroded. So long as they function in an efficient manner and stay out of trouble, their consumption habits should be their own. Next the common nature of drug tests has led to people finding different ways to beat the test even when they use drugs. People know how to pass drug test for cocaine and other drugs. Then there is the issue of false positives. Some people test positive even when they have not used drugs. This happens due to use of certain medicines and food stuffs and is a serious blot on the accuracy of the drug tests.

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