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  • October 19th, 2010

    Ethics Of Drug Testing

    Read about the ethics of drug testing.

    Drug tests have now become a global issue because along with sports organizations even companies have opted for it. Drug abuse is a crime and it does affect the productivity of the addicted person, eventually of the company, which is definitely a matter of concern for them. Ethics of drug testing have become a major concern for the companies when they hire new employees, it is also troubles the person who is going to undergo the test.

    The debate about conducting a drug test in workplace continues till date. Some object to it saying that it obstructs the privacy of the person, but companies declare that they have no other way of finding the right person. A drug addictive person will surely lead to the loss of the company which is not at all bearable by them. The debate continues but slowly as time passes many companies have adopted drug tests as they know how important it is for them. Many of the states have permitted the companies to do so.

    The only motive behind the drug test is get the best for the company, only a drug free person can give his best. Although many have opposed the conduction of drug in workplace, this procedure is continued. Along with the current workers companies ask the new and also the ones who have applied for the job to undergo a drug test. The fact is that only a drug addicted person will oppose to the test. The ones who are confident about themselves will surely not like to leave a job just because of it.

    Conduction of drug tests has become so easy today that there is no reason for the company to avoid it. The government too has peeked in to the matter and has made certain laws to avoid the invasion of the company in to the person’s privacy. These things are included in to the agreement put between the employee and the employer. The organizations try their best to avoid disturbing the privacy of the person in every possible way so, do not worry dnd pass a drug test if it is worth the job. Drinking lots of water before drug test will surely help you pass one.

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