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  • December 24th, 2010

    False Positive On Drug Test Uring

    False positive on drug test uring

    What is a meaning of false positive? It is a drug testing result which is come back when a particular illicit substances tests positive for some another substance. It is a classic case of misidentification. If you take example of poppy seeds, they meant to give false positive drug test result for opiates. Probability of availing false positive result is clearly depends on the laboratory you are selecting for the drug testing. There are some set standards for laboratories. It is essential for them to maintain the set regulation and transparency in the result. As per the recent report of SAMHSA, out of 1200 standard drug testing labs, only 100 of them are obeying the federal standards. Main problem related with the false positive on drug test uring is if your work organization screen for drug abuse, most probably they are not avail for any kind of certified testing laboratories.

    Many employees could be getting result as false positive, especially when they have medicines, or dietary supplements which are not fall in category of drug. Some over the counter drugs which are very popular for as pain management treatment giving false positive result for marijuana byproduct THC. This makes passing drug test for thc very difficult. As all of us know THC is most slow metabolized drug. Furthermore it has almost 80 different kinds of metabolites which show similar chemical resemblance with most of the drugs taken against pain management and urinal disease. One thing you can certainly do is, go on internet and check for what are the factors which come as hurdle for passing drug test for thc. In case, if there is need of having prescribed or not prescribed medicines give its idea to your testing authority. If you are under any detox treatment, then certainly you do not need to worry about having detox treatment. None of the drug testing form able to detect detoxification traces. As well as detoxification products give help to throw away the drug remnants from the body.

    Another important aspect is getting familiar with drug testing forms. If you know the drug detection time period and set threshold value half of the battle against drug testing you wins here only.

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