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  • November 9th, 2010

    False Postive Drug Test

    Read about false postive drug test

    Have you ever imagined that you can get caught for easting some poppy seeds cake last night? You might be tested positive for opiates. This will surely worry you and put you in to an unwanted trouble. Drug tests are so important today, that failing one can lead to social insults and even legal blames on you. You will lose your prestige, job and position in the society. The above case was an example of false positive drug test. This article will tell you completely about it and will suggest you how to pass drug test.

    Drug tests have been made sophisticated and advanced to test drug easily and accurately, but still you will find many people trying new options to pass as drug test. If you pass a drug test with desired results then you will be really happy and on the ninth cloud but what if you are caught for consuming drugs even if you have not done so. This is what happens in many laboratories and drug tests accounting firms which do not stand according to the federals standards for drug test. false positive is normally observed for urine drug tests.

    False positive results are not just the results of their low standards but certain medications also include some drugs that can lead to this result. Medicines which are used for night time cold and flu like symptoms are more likely to results in false positives. Liquid cold relievers are more likely to end up giving false positives.

    Even physical conditions can cause false positives. If you are suffering from any kind of kidney disease or kidney infection then you can also face this problem. Diabetes and liver problems can also lead to false positive results, as these diseases can cause false positive so also their medicines can lead to unwanted results. Drugs that are meant to solve your physical pain problems can lead to legal problems.

    So, next time when you go for any drug test then check that the laboratory where you are going to give the test meets all the standards of federal standards. So, that you do not have to face any serious consequences for it.

    How to pass