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  • October 7th, 2010

    First Drug Test

    If you are scared of the first drug test, then there is no need to be so. The first drug test is very simple and does not cause any problem whatsoever. Generally first drug test refers to the urine test. If you are talking of urine drug test, then THC urine drug test is the most vital one. THC comes from the marijuana drug.

    One of the oldest ways to avoid detection was to replace your urine with the synthetic one. Synthetic urine can be bought from the market. However this method must be applied only if you are running shortage of time and have no other way out. Otherwise, it is better not to use it, because the labs are very well versed about the temperature of a normal urine sample and also know that normal urine sample is bound to have blood particles. So, it is a bit risky.

    Another way is to clear out all the toxins from the body, and pass the first drug test naturally. One way of draining out all the toxins is to drink lot of fluids and frequently urinate. In this way the concentration of the THC metabolite can be diluted. This must be done from days before the test is due. Most importantly, this should be done frequently before few hours of the test. Another way is Exercise. It is known that THC metabolite gets stored in the fat cells. Exercise burns the fat which eventually releases the THC metabolites in the blood and urine. However, the burning of the fat cells must be stopped at least 48 hours before the test. Intake of food rich in protein helps. Foods like red meat increase the level of creatinine in the blood slightly. The level of creatinine drops when one tries to dilute the urine by drinking fluids. Labs test creatinine in order to check whether the person has taken extra amount of fluid to dilute the urine. According to the data in the testing industry, aspirin creates some blockage in the process of drug testing by reacting with some chemical. So, consumption of aspirin before the first drug test is helpful to a great extend.

    How to pass