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  • October 28th, 2010

    Hair Folicle Drug Test

    What is the hair follicle drug test?

    You never know when you may be called for a hair follicle drug test. What is the hair follicle drug test? Hair follicles or the root of hairs can contain a good amount of toxins, if you have been on drug abuse since quite some time. When the toxic levels in your body are high, then the traces can be found in your hair roots or hair follicles, blood, urine, saliva, dental plaque, etc. samples of which may be called for in a drug test. When a particular sample is asked for, you have no other choice but to provide it immediately otherwise the authorities are not going to listen to you anyways. You have no other choice but to produce the sample on demand and wait for the drug test results.

    Those who have never been on drugs need not fear a drug testing procedure. It is very unlikely to find drug traces in a hair sample of a person who has not been on drug abuse. However if you walk into a room where a large group of people are smoking marijuana, pot, and various kinds of drugs, you may have some residue of toxic substances on your hair which could test you positive in hair drug test. In such a case you are not at fault, because you are not doing drugs, but the drug testing authorities may not listen to your story. What you could do is wash your hair thoroughly with a special shampoo available in the market, specifically for washing hair with drug residue on it.

    There is no way you can avoid drug test, especially when the authorities have called you for the drug test. Drug test are conducted at random these days and there is no need to shy away from this fact. All you could be is try methods to beat the drug test, in case you have been binging for some time now. Any trace of the drug will only test you positive and lead you into further complications, causing you to lose your job which will affect your career too. Nobody wants to lose a good job opportunity in life, and hence it is sensible if you can put in the right effort to come clear in a drug testing procedure.

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