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  • October 7th, 2010

    How Much Hair Drug Test

    How Much Hair Drug Test

    Drug tests check a person’s body for the presence of certain drugs / narcotics / proscribed chemicals. Employers – both public and private, are increasingly using them and so are college authorities and the armed forces. The purpose is to maintain a workplace or a campus free from the effects of drug abuse. These effects include absenteeism, chronic under performance and possible conflicts and accidents. As such these tests are indispensable in areas where security is of paramount importance.

    The Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988 was the first legal measure that took cognizance of the fact that more and more Americans were taking to drug consumption. It mandated all public authorities to compulsorily conduct drug tests on their employees. Many private employers and college authorities voluntarily adapted this measure.

    This benevolent and innocuous looking measure has had its own share of controversy. First of all it does tend to infringe on the privacy of the employee, the concern of the employers notwithstanding. Next, all the drug tests have their own limitations – none of them, singly or in combination, are completely accurate or reliable. Furthermore, many of the proscribed chemicals are ingredients in many drugs sold over the counter. To cut a long story short, this means even innocents, or those who have consumed the drug ignorantly through medicine, can be tested positive in a drug test.

    Hair drug tests can trace the drug habits of a person in the last 90 days. More advanced drug tests can go back even further. Hair drug tests are more expensive and also more reliable than the more common urine tests. Urine Tests can be passed by drug test drink recipe i.e. by sufficiently diluting the urine by drinking water or cranberry juice.

    Drug residues get accumulated in the mid concentric layer of the hair called the cuticle. The hair strand when checked thus reveals the consumption. To mask this a hair shampoo and conditioner can be applied under professional advice and guidance. The shampoo has a masking agent that does not reveal the accumulated drug. This helps you in passing the drug test. The timing of application of the shampoo has to be decided after professional consultation.

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