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  • November 9th, 2010

    How To Not Fail A Drug Test

    Read about how to not fail a drug test.

    You might know that drug testing is become more and more popular these days. A survey showed that 81% of the companies performed drug test to determine whether the employees are the influence of drug. Many insurance companies, courts and medical institutions are undertaking the drug screening programs. With the increase in the number of teenagers using illicit drugs, drug testing has become mandatory in schools too. So are you also going to face a drug test? And there are a number of questions in your mind like- how to pass an opiate drug test or any other drug test? Then you have come to the right place; scroll down and find out how to not fail a drug test.

    There are basically four types of test performed for drug screening- urine testing, saliva testing, hair testing and blood testing. The urine test is the most common method. This test is preferred because it is the least expensive way to detect the presence or absence of drugs in the sample. Hair drug test are most accurate and reliable methods. Saliva drug test can easily be passed. It can detect the use of drugs 3-4 days prior to the test.

    The best way by far to pass a drug test is not to consume drugs not only for the sake of the test but for the rest of your life. This will be beneficial for your health and you can pass drug test too. If you don’t do drugs there is nothing to worry about. The next thing to be done is to check for how long the toxin is going to stay in your system and start working accordingly. Drinking a lot of water will help flush the toxins out of the system. Water along with any other fluid will increase the rate of cleaning the system.

    Diuretics can help stimulate urination and throw more toxins out of the system. Cranberry juice, tea and coffee will help you urinate frequently. Exercising will burn the fat cells where the THCs are generally stored and release them in the bloodstream and ultimately in the urine. Work out till you sweat, this will also increase the rate of metabolism. Red meat will boost the creatinine level in the urine and vitamin B2 will mask dilution by imparting yellow color to the urine.

    These tips are surely going to help you pass drug test. So start working right away!

    How to pass