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  • February 16th, 2011

    How To Pass A Drug Test In 24 Hrs

    How to pass a drug test in 24 hrs is genuine

    How long does codeine show up in a piss test requires a lot of experimentation and then there are ways in which drug test is done and then you have to reason things as well. 24 hours is a very short time to observe all the detections and indications but still there are experts who are working round the clock to maintain the dignity of this drug test. These drugs are different due to different compositions and effects. There are times when you see things yourself and then you reach conclusions. Replacing a sample in case of urine test is very common and it can be clubbed as cheating the sample for urine drug testing. You can take an example of flushing which is not exactly cheating but the method is home based and gives desired results to some extent .

    A very common saying is that you can only cheat when you have the knowledge in fact cheating requires more research than just passing the test. There are days when you have felt that there is some way out to beat or cheat these drug testing methods. As far as urine tests are concerned cheating is somewhat possible unlike these swabs tests. Swab test are instant and they give results very accurately. The limitations attached to the swab test make it a less popular among drug testing.

    Interestingly true that there are some people who are positive in drug test but when they go under another test they are negative and this proves that human body or human system is un predictable and there can be things which are possible. The metabolism of the body is also an important factor for the duration of drug traces in the system. Apart from metabolism state of hydration, body fluids and physical condition of the system also effects the duration of drug presence.

    The urine plays an important role in detecting the drug traces in the body. There are boundaries that determine the duration of drug in urine. If you have taken a low dose of drug then it will cling to the upper boundary and if the dose id high it will take the lower boundary. Drug test will be done to make sure that the human system is free of any drug traces in order to take on the further appointments regarding jobs and opportunities.

    How to pass